Category: POS

QuickBooks POS
January 17, 2024
Navigating the Transition: Migrating from QuickBooks POS to GOIS
In the ever-evolving landscape of business software, changes are inevitable. Recently, QuickBooks made the decision to discontinue its Point of Sale (POS) system, leaving businesses that rely on it in search of a new solution. Fortunately, Goods Order Inventory System (GOIS) emerges as a promising alternative, offering a seamless transition for businesses looking to migrate […]Read More
Multichannel ecommerce inventory
February 8, 2023
What Is a POS and Why Does Your Business Need One?
The term Point of Sale (POS) describes the place where retail transactions are made. Think of it as the equivalent of a cash register. POS includes the hardware and software related to transactions, such as the cash drawer, credit card swipe bar, barcode scanners, receipt printers, and more. POS is an important feature for all […]Read More

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